Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sweet Titania

You reign over a feckless dominion, Milady


MauVenom said...

Feckless; always charming

has a lot of advantages when it's about living, learning and enjoying the most out of life

but always a risk

now, to reign over a dominion like this... that'd be everyone's dream... my dream for instance

I've been feckless I confess... but I have always paid a price

have you my friend??

-Nice day

Jesús Estrada Sánchez said...

I thought "7words7" was feckless; now don't.

: )

Mara Jiménez said...

Come, now a roundel and a fairy song;
Then, for the third part of a minute, hence;
Some to kill cankers in the musk-rose buds,
Some war with rere-mice for their leathern wings,
To make my small elves coats, and some keep back
The clamorous owl that nightly hoots and wonders
At our quaint spirits. Sing me now asleep;
Then to your offices and let me rest.
... said the queen of faries to her train...
O algo así. *suspíro*

Jesús Estrada Sánchez said...

Words manipulated deftly, can do wonders! *sigh*